SupAX: A SUPerconducting cavity based experiment for the search of QCD AXions

Axions are hypothetical fundamental particles that can would explain the smallness of electric dipole moment (EDM) of the neutron, known as the strong CP problem. Even more interestingly, it was already realized in the early 1980s that cosmological models can be constructed in which axions can act as dark matter candidates, thus solve a second huge problem of modern physics.
In contrast to many other new physics models, which predict new particles with large masses, axions are believed to have a small mass. SupAX is a haloscope type experiment and aims for dark matter axion searches with masses between 20ueV and 40ueV. Preliminary developments and test measurements have been conducted at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. A dedicated magnet system as future home of Supax is currently prepared at the Research and Technology Center for Detector Physics (Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Detektorphysik - FTD) at the University of Bonn.
Physics behind SupAX

How do we search for axions with the SupAX Experiment and what is the underlying physics
Experimental Concept

How does Supax look like? What magnet will be used and how is the cavity design? How is the readout looking like?
Publications and Results

We are a rather new experiment but already have some publications and presentations at international conferences.
The Team

We are a very small team but look alwys for enganged new students who want to join our experimental efforts.