For Approved projects, please ensure all relevant publications and presentations have the following acknowledgement:

“This [infrastructure][publication/article][insert type of result] is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement STRONG – 2020 - No 824093”.

Modality of access under this proposal

International user groups (UGs) from legal entities of the EU member states other than Germany and of the associated countries are eligible to apply for access. They are expected to work in the research fields of the detector and/or hadron physics pursued at the installation. Close co-operation is offered within the existing structures, including the CB and BGO-OD collaborations. It is possible for UGs to bring in own equipment to be used in addition or alternatively to the existing facilities, e.g. targets, detectors or electronics.

Access is applied for through submission of a research proposal. It must be specified the physics or technical developments pursued, the type and duration of requested access (lab-days at the FTD and/or beam-hours at the accelerators), and the intended co-operation with existing research collaborations.

Bodies to guide and support UGs through the access procedure:

To submit a letter of intent or a proposal, and for all other inquiries concerning access to FTD-Hadron please contact the Access Coordinator.

For visits for approved projects, a maximum of 70 Euros is allocated per day for accomodation and a total of 200 Euros for travel per trip.

Forms for project proposals and specific access allowance

How to prepare a proposal:

  • Complete a cover sheet and add no more than 10 pages for a project description and motivation for the total access request and time plan.

For approved proposals:

  • Use the specific allowance request form sheet for each visit. In particular specify participating people, intended schedule, and technical requirements.

 Please send completed forms to Dr. Thomas Jude -

Review procedure under this proposal

All proposals will be treated on the footing of scientific quality.  The selection procedure follows: 

  • Formal access request via Access Coordinator
  • Formal proposal (including detailed beam/lab-time request with physics/technical justification and required beam/lab parameters)
  • Evaluation by the USP
  • Upon acceptance of user-proposal, beam/lab-time allocation by the Allocation Committee
  • Formal assessment of the offered services for outside users via web-interface.
  • Suitable proposals are selected respecting the principles of transparency, fairness and impartiality.

User Selection Panel

  • Prof. Dr. Philip Cole (Lamar University, Beaumont, TX, USA)
  • Prof. Dr. Jochen Dingfelder (Bonn internal)
  • Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ketzer (Bonn internal)
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Ostrick (Mainz University, Germany)
  • Dr. Christoph Rembser (CERN)
  • Prof. Dr. Piotr Salabura (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland)
  • Prof. Dr. Daniel Watts (University of York, York, UK)

Access Coordinator

Dr. Tom Jude


Wegelerstraße 10

53115 Bonn

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