Prof. (emeritus) Dr. Norbert Wermes
Welcome to the website of Prof. (emeritus) Dr. Norbert Wermes.
Particle physics at high energies
- proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV (ATLAS Experiment, CERN)
- Physics of and with the Higgs Boson (in fermion final states)
- Search for Phenomena beyond the Standard Model with bb-final states
- electron-positron collisions
- former experiments (OPAL, MARK-III, TASSO)
Detector physics (especially pixel detectors and microelectronics)
- ATLAS Hybrid Pixel Detector (running)
- Pixel Detector R&D for the HL-LHC Upgrade (Modules, Chips, CMOS Pixels, Diamond)
- Belle II Pixel Detector (DEPFET Active Pixels)

© Norbert Wermes
Below you can find a list of publications.
- all publications in chronological order
- publications within international collaborations (ATLAS, D0, OPAL, CERES/NA45, MARK-III, TASSO)
- publications outside international collaborations
- pp collisions with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
- e+e- collisions at LEP/CERN within the OPAL experiment (1989-2000)
- J/psi and charm physics at SLAC with the MARK-III experiment (1982 - 1988)
- e+e- collisions at PETRA/DESY with the TASSO experiment (1978 - 1984)
- Publications on detector development (Journals only)
- other
- Monographs and books
- Köpke, Wermes: J/psi-Decays, Physics Reports 174 (1989) 67-22
- Garcia-Sciveres, Wermes: A review of advances in pixel detectors for experiments with high rate and radiation Reports on Progress in Physics 81 (2018) 6, 066101, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6633/aab064
- Rossi, Fischer, Rohe, Wermes: Pixel-Detectors - from Fundamentals to Applications, Springer 2006, 304 pp.
- Kolanoski, Wermes: Teilchendetektoren - Grundlagen und Anwendungen, Springer 2016, 916 pp.
- Kolanoski, Wermes, Particle Detectors - Fundamentals and Applications, Oxford Univ. Press, 2020, 944 pp.
- citations
Below you can find a list of lectures.
- Physics I (WS19, WS15, WS12, WS08, WS98, WS93)
- Physics II (SS16, SS13, SS09, SS99, SS94)
- Physics IV (WS96)
- Lab Course Mechanics (SS13, SS09, SS96)
- Lab Course Electromagnetism (SS14, WS09, SS97)
- Particle Physics (WS17, WS10, SS06, SS03)
- Nuclear and Particle Physics (WS14)
- Advanced Particle Physics (WS99, WS94)
- Advanced Particle Physics: B-Physics and Neutrino Physics (SS18)
- High Energy Collider Physics (SS15, SS12, SS10)
- Hadron Collider Physics and the Physics of Quarks (SS07, WS05)
- Intensive Week: "From Chips to Higgs" - LHC Physics and Detectors (SS11)
- Electronics (WS96)
- Electronics Block Lecture and Lab Course (SS17, SS15, SS12, SS10, SS05, SS99, SS95)
- Detectors for Particles&Radiation (WS18, WS16, WS13, WS09, WS06, WS04, WS03, WS02, WS01, WS95, WS92)
- Advanced Instrumentation (SS08)
- Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (SS04, SS02, SS01)
Special lecture series
- Tracking and Tracking detectors (4 double lectures, 2016, Univ. Freiburg)
- Pixel Detectors (15h lectures, 2018, Univ. Geneva)
- Detector Physics (Introductory Lectures, ESIPAP School, Archamps, 2021, 2022, 2023)
- Semiconductor Detectors (15h lectures, 2022, Univ. Heidelberg)
- Ionisation Detectors (20h lectures, 2023, Univ. Bonn)