Prof. Dr. Matthias Schott

Research Summary

I am interested in various topics in particle physics but also beyond. My research focus was mainly on electroweak precision measurements in particular the measurement of the W boson mass at the ATLAS experiment, but extended towards searches for axion-like particles and detector developments. I am now involved also in the study of non-perturbative effects within Quantum Chromodynamics, the study of heavy ion collisions as well as lab-based searches for gravitational waves. This is complemented by the development of agent based models and deep learning algorithms in the context of fundamental physics.  If you want to read more about my research, then let me point you to my group website.

Matthias Schott CV
© Matthias Schott


Office:    1-039
Physikalisches Institut
Nußallee 12
53115 Bonn

Academic Career (Physics)

since 2024
W3 Professor (Full professor)
Uni. Bonn, Germany
• Precision Measurements at ATLAS
• Collider Based Axion Searches at ATLAS and FASER
• Lab-based Searches for Axions and High-Frequency Gravitational Waves(IAXO + SUPAX)
• Preparation of CERN North-Area Experiments (NaNu)
2019 - 2023
W3 Professor (Full professor)
Uni. Mainz, Germany
• Electroweak Precision Measurements at the LHC
• Development of Micromegas Detectors + ATLAS Muon Upgrade
• Lab-based Axion Searches (ALPS-II + IAXO)
• Collider Based Axion Searches (FASER)
eb. 2017 - 2019
W2 Professor (Tenured Associate, Volkswagen Foundation)
Uni. Mainz, Germany
• Electroweak Precision Measurements at the LHC
• Development of Micromegas Detectors + ATLAS Muon Upgrade
• Lab-based Axion Searches (ALPS-II)
eb. 2013 - 2017
W1 Lichtenberg Professor (Volkswagen Foundation)
Uni. Mainz, Germany
• Electroweak Precision Measurements at the LHC
• Development of Micromegas Detectors + ATLAS Muon Upgrade
• Lab-based Axion Searches (OSQAR+ALPS-II)
2012/13 - 2017
Emmy-Noether Research Group Leader
Uni. Mainz, Germany
• Precision Measurement of the W Boson Mass at LHC
June 2010 - 2012
CERN Research Staff (LD)
CERN, Geneva/ Switzerland
• Continuation of ATLAS activities
• Development of Micromegas Detectors for ATLAS Muon Upgrade
• OSQAR (2010 axion search run)
April 2008 -May 2010
CERN Research Fellow
CERN, Geneva/ Switzerland
• ATLAS Main activities (Electroweak physic measurements, Soft QCD Physics, Detector performance)
• Convenor of the W/Z Physics Group
• COMPASS (Searches for JPC exotic mesons and glueball candidates in kaonic decay channels)
• OSQAR (Experimental setup for 2508/2010 axion search run)
• (Parental Leave 1y)
Aug. 2007 - Jan. 2508
Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich/Germany and CERN, Geneva/ Switzerland
• Task leader of the muon software simulation group
• Editor of one collaboration publication including coordination of work
• Development of World Wide Grid software
Sept. 2004 - July 2007
PhD Studies in Physics (summa cum laude)
Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich/Germany and CERN, Geneva/ Switzerland
• Topic of PhD-thesis: Study of the Vector-Boson Production at the ATLAS Experiment at LHC 
May 2004
Physics diploma (Grade: 1.0)
Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen/Germany
• Begin of Studies 10/1999
• Topic of Diploma thesis: Barionic systems on the lightcone (Theoretical Physics)
Sept. 2001-June 2002
Natural Science Part II
University of Cambridge, Cambridge/United Kingdom
• Exchange program for talented students in physics at Erlangen University. 
June 1998
Hardenberg-Gymnasium Fuerth, Bavaria/Germany
• Equivalent to A-levels in GB. Followed by Civil Service at the Malteser-Hilfsdienst, Nuremberg/Germany (1998-1999)
  • 2023: Guestprofessor at Stony Brook University, USA
  • 2019 - 2020:  Feodor Lynen Research Fellow at the University College London, UK
  • 2018 - 2019: Fulbright Research Scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
  • 2018: Research Associate at CERN
  • 2011-2012: Wilhem-Conrad-Roentgen Guest Professor at the University of Würzburg, USA
  • 2022 - 2023: Guestprofessor for Computer Science at the University of Marburg
  • 2006 - 2008: Master in Computer Science at the Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany 
  • 2000 - 2003: Bachelor in Mathematics with a Focus on Computer Science
  • 2008: McKinsey & Company (BTO), Frankfurt, Germany
  • 2004: Siemens Management Consulting (SMC), Munich/Germany
  • 2001-2002: Freelancer at medien|design, Nuremberg/Germany

Awards and Scholarship

The older one gets, the more awards and scholarship one collects - most of them are pure luck and hence I am extremely grateful.

  • January 2020: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: Selected Henriette Herz Scout
  • December 2019: ERC Consolidator Grant for the LightAtLHC Project
  • August 2018: Humboldt Foundation: Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship at the University College London
  • July 2018: Fulbright Research and Teaching Scholarship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • April 2016: Teaching Award of the State Rhineland-Palatinate (Student-based evaluation of teaching performance in two consecutive terms)
  • November 2014: Team Award of the University of Mainz (Awarding role model of a good leadership practice)
  • March 2013: Fellow of the Johannes Gutenberg Forschungskolleg
  • Feb. 2013: Lichtenberg Professorship by the Volkswagen Foundation
  • Aug. 2012: Emmy Noether Research Group Funding
  • Sept. 2008: Marc Virchaux Prize for outstanding PhD thesis in the context of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer
  • Jan. 2005 - April 2007: Scholarship of the Stiftung der dt. Wirtschaft (Foundation of the German Economy)

Services for the Community, Leader- ship Positions and Coordination Roles

Working in academics means unfortunately also to read and write lots of emails, attend endless meetings and write grant proposals. Some selected roles for those tasks, which I had the pleasure to fulfill, are summarized here ...

  • since 2023: (Co-)Convener of the ATLAS W/Z and Quarkonia Heavy Ion Sub-Group
  • Since September 2022: Collaboration Board Chair of the FASER Experiment
  • Since July 2022: Spokesperson of the DFG Graduate School Particle Detectors
  • Oct. 2018 - Sept. 2020: (Co-)Convener of the LPCC Electroweak Precision Working Group
  • Oct. 2018 - June 2022_ (Co-)Leader of the Research Area Weakly Interacting Universee of the Cluster of Excellence PRISMA+
  • Oct 2016 - Sept. 2018: Co-Convener of the ATLAS Standard Model Physics Group
  • April 2016-May 2020: Member of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Steering group
  • Aug 2012 - July 2014: Run and Physics Coordinator of the OSQAR Experiment
  • Jan 2010 - June 2011: (Co-)Convener of the ATLAS W/Z Sub-Group
  • July 2009 - June 2008: Task-Leader of the Muon Software Simulation Group

Further Topics

© University of Bonn
© Matthias Schott
Outreach GK
© Uni. Mainz

Updated last time in February 2024

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