ATLAS Operation and Upgrade
A huge detector as ATLAS requires many people who keep it running and prepare it for the next years. Our group is responsible for the data quality of the muon spectrometer as well as contributing to the upgrade of the muon detector and its trigger system. Since 2024, we also took over the responsibility for the maintenance of the Detector Control System (DCS) of the new ATLAS NSW systems.
ATLAS Muon Data Quality
During data taking, the ATLAS collaboration has to make sure that all subdetectors work as expected and deliver good data for the subsequent physics analysis. We developed the main tools for the offline tests of the detector-level data to decide if the recorded data fulfills the strict quality criteria of the ATLAS collaboration. We are currently focussing on more automated systems using ML techniques.

Upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Trigger System
The goal of the Muon Trigger upgrade is to significantly adapt the current ATLAS muon spectrometer for its use at high luminosity LHC phase. We are working on the implementation and the test of the trigger algorithms as well as the communication protocols between the different trigger systems.
Upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer
The inner-most detector of the ATLAS Muon System had to be replaced so that ATLAS can keep its physics performance also during the high-luminosity phase of the LHC. My group was co-designing and construction the first prototype detector of the ATLAS New Small Wheel project based on Micromegas Technology and constructed afterwards 100m2 of ultra-planar drift-panels for the experiment. In the past years, we helped in the final installation at ATLAS and the commissioning. The project was successfully concluded in 2022.